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В этом конспекте, я более подробно остановлюсь на специфических случаях расчлененных вопросов.
I am on the list, aren't I? I'm not on the list, am I?
Let's surprise them, shall we? Let's go for a walk, shall we?
There isn't any danger, is there? There's not much we can do about it, is there?
Повелительные предложения, расчлененный вопрос делает такие предложение более вежливым: Turn the sound down, will you? (polite) Turn the sound down, won't you? (informal) Pass the salt, will you \ would you \ could you? Clear the table, will you? Be careful, won't you? Have a drink, won't you? (informal offer)
После someone, somebody, everybody, everyone, no one etc. в вопросе будет they: Everybody is sleeping, aren't they? No one wants to come, do they? Someone has been in here, haven't they?
После nothing, something, everything в вопросе будет местоимение it: Nothing happened, did it?
Примеры глаголов в расчлененных вопросах:
Вопросительные слова (question words) |