Времена в английском языке

Рейтинг: 256
  Simple Continuous Perfect Perfect Continuous
Present I wake up at 7 o'clock. She always runs in the morning. He writes two books a year.

I am reading a book now. We are flying to Germany at the moment.

I am having dinner with my mum next week. (future meaning)

He has done his homework. He has already written 10 books. I have been reading a book for two hours now. He has been writing books since he was 20.
Past He said hallo when he arrived. He wrote that book 2 weeks ago. She was playing tennis when he arrived. It was raining at 11 a.m. yesterday. We were flying to Germany at this time yesterday. I was late because I had missed the bus. He has written that book before he flew to Germany. She had been playing tennis for two hours when he arrived.  It had been raining for several hours by 11 a.m. yesterday.
Future I will call you. I will probably call her. I hope we will be in time. We will be flying to Germany at this time tomorrow. She will be doing the homework this time tomorrow. We will have left for Germany by this time tomorrow. The play will have finished by 11 p.m. She will have done the homework by the time he arrives. We will have been flying to Germany for three hours by this time tomorrow. The play will have been running for two hours by 11 p.m. She will have been doing the homework for several hours by the time he arrives. They will have been working here for 10 months by the end of the year.
Future-in-the-past He said he would write a new book. He hoped he would be writing a new book. He hoped he would have written a book by next month. He said that by the end of Mai he would have been writing the book for five months.


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